About us
SwedNess is a graduate school for neutron scattering operated by six Swedish universities: Uppsala University (coordinator), Chalmers University of Technology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Linköping University, Lund University and Stockholm University. SwedNess has the goal to educate doctoral students to expand Sweden's expertise in neutron scattering to exploit ESS now under construction in Lund.
The school focuses on four thematic areas, fundamental studies of chemical and physical phenomena, functional materials, engineering, and life-sciences and its' technology, providing a spread of expertise but also a sufficient critical mass for excellent research and education. The goal is that the graduate students will gain expertise in neutron scattering techniques by exploiting the different existing neutron facilities so as to be qualified for future involvement in the development of the ESS.
The school stimulates interactions between students, senior researchers and co-operation with ESS. The PhD students form a student network to develop national, Nordic and international contacts. SwedNess co-operates closely contact with the Nordic graduate school that is part of the Nordic Neutron Science Programme.
The goals for the graduate school are manifold:
- To enlarge and broaden the neutron scattering community by forming and developing a world-leading interdisciplinary, co-operative community.
- To support the six participating universities to take full advantage of the different neutron scattering techniques at various facilities around the world in preparation for the start of ESS.
- To involve staff and students from universities outside the alliance to engage in courses and summer schools developed by SwedNess so as to further broaden the national scientific impact.
- To create a strong academic collaboration with Swedish industry in the use of neutron scattering.
- To be a strong partner in the Nordic neutron scattering community.
- To strengthen academic and industrial networking both with ESS as well as other international neutron scattering facilities.
- To perform excellent research using neutron scattering within four research themes: functional materials, life sciences, basic chemistry and physics, and engineering; all including a perspective of instrument development.
- To promote interdisciplinary activities between the research themes, PhD students and their supervisors, the involved industries, ESS and partners within Sweden and internationally.
- To promote and plan for the complimentary use of neutrons and x-rays, especially in relationship to future great prospects with the co-location of the ESS and MAX IV laboratory in Lund.
When ESS is in full operation in 2025, Sweden needs to take full advantage with research that exploits the new opportunities. The graduate school that SSF has established promotes development of relevant research and training of researchers. Six Swedish Universities form a consortium to for these activities that use and develop neutron scattering techniques. The opportunities for training are made available to the Swedish scientific community as a whole.
Sweden has a vigorous community of researchers that exploit neutrons: current work has centred on activities in solid state chemistry, magnetism and soft matter. The latter topic provides an interface to a growing community that has become engaged with topics such as biomaterials and the challenges of maintaining the environment. The PhD research projects consolidate and expand these themes.