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Nicholas Croy

I studied enzyme mechanisms as an undergraduate student and semiconductor device physics as a master’s student, obtaining Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in chemistry from Tulane University and the University of Oregon, respectively. Between my Master’s and my PhD, I worked for several years as an electron microscope applications development engineer in the semiconductor industry.

For my PhD project, I have returned to the study of enzyme mechanisms. I employ multiple neutron scattering techniques to study the mechanisms of three major energy-converting enzymes: photosystem II (PSII), ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase (Rubisco), and hydrogenase. Although each enzyme has been the subject of a considerable number of structural and functional studies, important mechanistic aspects remain elusive because the roles of water networks, hydrogen bonding, and protein dynamics remain unresolved. Neutrons are perfectly suited to resolve these elusive mechanistic features, and I will employ neutron diffraction, small-angle neutron scattering, and quasielastic neutron scattering to obtain mechanistic insights.

SwedNess PhD-student Nicholas Croy

University: Uppsala University
Project Title: The role of water networks, hydrogen bonding, and protein dynamics in
biological energy conversion reactions studied by neutron scattering
E-mail: nicholas.croy@kemi.uu.se

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